Accelerating Action – Overcoming Barriers to Reach Your Full Potential

The theme to this year’s International Women’s Day is ‘Accelerating Action’. This year we’re delighted that Helen Pethybridge from Chiltern Coaching is collaborating with Patch, High Wycombe to lead two sessions helping us to drive more Action!  Whilst there are many stakeholders who can help Accelerate Action, Helen will be focusing on aspects where we have the influence and control to enable positive change. We are running two separate sessions – one for women and one for men!

Helen herself progressed from Graduate Trainee to Senior HR Director within global, blue-chip businesses, whilst being a wife and being mum to 2 sons. After more than 2 decades in corporates, she  switched careers to run her own business coaching SME business owners in business growth strategies. This background has given Helen both personal and organisational experiences of the specific challenges facing women in their career progression.

Session 1: For Career Women

In this practical session we will focus on identifying where as women, we can encounter barriers that make career progress more challenging.

There are various circumstances that can arise at home and at work which add additional complexity to women to overcome. Sometimes we are even unconscious about the impact.

Join us to engage in dialogue with those who’ve been before you, and share your best strategies with fellow business women.

Book here to reserve your FREE place and we’ll get in the cookies and coffee!

Session 2: For Men

Whilst International Women’s Day is there to focus on supporting women, it is clear that there are many, many men keen to play their part, but not necessarily understanding how best they can Accelerate Action. Whether you have women within your team at work, and/or you have female partners, daughters, nieces in your home life, building a greater awareness of the often invisible barriers will be a great first step.

In this session for men, we will be exploring the same barriers, but from a different perspective.

  • Sharing the situations that women don’t always feel confident or comfortable to raise themselves.
  • Building awareness of the impacts and how you can support the women in your world in their careers.

If you’d like you equip yourself more fully to proactively support International Women’s day this year, please join us for this highly participative session.

Book here to reserve your FREE place and we’ll get in the cookies and coffee!

Tuesday 4th March

9:30 am - 12:00 pm


ActionCOACH Chilterns
Terriers House, Amersham Road