15 Point Resource Reallocation Checklist

Your resources are your key points of leverage to be able to serve more customers in ever-expanding ways.  A critical role as the Leader of your business is to strategically deploy these resources in the optimum manner and to adjust over time to stay ahead of competitive pressures and ever-changing customer expectations.  The current dynamic and unprecedented changes require most business owners to make major pivots in resource allocation and potentially how they think about their resources.  For some business owners, it will be essential for survival, while for others it will open opportunities to Thrive in ways not before envisioned.

If you are to come out of this stronger than you went in what must you focus on now?

Check all your resources where an adjustment, shift or pivot would increase your business’s chances of survival and optimise the extent that your business thrives.  Your Team at ActionCOACH will guide you to quickly navigate these changes.

The 15 Point Resource Reallocation Checklist:

1. Team Members

  • Responsibilities
  • Tasks & Activities
  • Most have talents above and beyond how they are deployed in their current roles…what are the untapped talents of each team member?

2. Current Products & Services Offered

3. Marketing pounds typically invested each month – How can they be invested more profitably?

4. Owner’s Time

5. Owner’s Thinking – This is often overlooked by the owner as a critical resource

6. Cash, incoming cash flow and debtors

7. Stock – Raw, work in process and finished goods

8. Property, Fixtures, Fitting and Equipment

9. Systems & Processes

10. Intellectual Property and Know-How

11. Brand Reputation

12. Current client base

13. Past client base

14. Current and Past Prospects & Database

15. Strategic Partners & Referral Sources

Adapt to Change through a Pro-Active ActionPLAN so your business survives and THRIVES!


Have you seen our 17 Point Pivot Resource Reallocation Checklist? Click here to find out more information- we have a lot of information for helping you get through times like this coronavirus crisis!

There even more information over on the ActionCOACH HQ website, even more trustful and insightful information for you!